Title: First Encounters
Series: The NZ Series
Author: Gordon Ell and Sarah Ell
ISBN: 978-0-947506-90-2
RRP: $29.99
Specs: 240 x 160 mm portrait, PB, 108 pp, 2 colour
Published: 8 April 2021
For Teacher Resource: click here
The Book:
Europeans had no idea what they would find when they first set eyes on Aotearoa.
First Encounters selects some of the key writings from these early traders, missionaries, explorers and surveyors — covering nearly 200 years from Abel Tasman in 1642 and Joseph Banks in 1769, through to early settlers such as John Logan Campbell in 1840.
Their records of encounters with this new land and its Māori inhabitants reveal stories of wonder, curiosity, misunderstanding and adventure — all with maximum interest and impact for modern readers.
The text is liberally illustrated with two-colour imagery and historical photos, alongside fact boxes explaining historical language and events.
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