Title: The Camera in the Crowd: Filming New Zealand in Peace and War, 1895–1920
Author: Christopher Pugsley
Foreword: Sir Peter Jackson
ISBN: 978-0-947506-34-6
RRP: $85
Specs: 270 x 215 mm portrait, HB, 480 pp, b&w with colour sections
Publishing: 29 November 2017
The Book:
Filming and cinema quickly won the hearts of New Zealand from the mid-1890s, yet the story of the cameramen and the film they took here and in the First World War has never been fully captured.
This attractive hardback brings to fruition years of original research and archival work by esteemed historian Christopher Pugsley, who was brought in by the then New Zealand Film Archive in the early 1990s to catalogue our earliest film — and uncovered a treasure trove in the process.
Told with Pugsley’s brilliant and engaging style, The Camera in the Crowd features over 350 photos and illustrations — many of them precisely tied to early filming through website links.
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