Title: Regions of New Zealand
Author: Peter Dowling
ISBN: 978-0-947506-35-3
RRP: $32.99
Specs: 270 x 210 mm portrait, HB, 40 pp, colour
Publishing: 24 October 2017
The Book:
Where are the regions of New Zealand? How did they develop? What makes them special and cool to visit?
Through maps, photos, fact boxes and simple text, Regions of New Zealand takes readers on a tour from Northland to Southland, Tokelau to Antarctica – with fascinating insights into the special features, facts and characters of our distinctive regions.
Each region features in a spread of the book, with a colour map showing towns and features, summary text, photos illustrating key locations and tourist destinations, fact boxes and key info. In addition are sections on Māori regional relationships, early provincial divisions, outlying territories and study links.
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