Title: Heke Tangata: Māori in Markets and Cities
Author: Brian Easton
ISBN: 978-0-947506-43-8
RRP: $29.99
Specs: 234 x 153 mm portrait, PB, 130 pp, b&w
Publishing: 15 May 2018
The Book:
Heke Tangata can broadly be translated as ‘migration of the people’, and in this book economist Brian Easton tracks the major relocations Māori have made into the cities and market economy since 1945. The book’s first part provides a narrative of the post-war Māori experience while the second part gives the statistical basis, covering areas including criminal justice, demography, education, employment, health, housing, incomes and wealth. The picture that emerges is stark: Māori remain a generation behind Pākehā in economic well-being.
Commissioned by Te Whānau o Waipareira, Heke Tangata is a concise, clear overview for policy discussion and general understanding of Māori economic participation in contemporary Aotearoa/New Zealand.
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