Like Them That Dream
The Maori and the Old Testament
Author: Bronwyn Elsmore
ISBN: 978-0-947506-06-3
RRP: $44.99
Specs: 234 x 153 mm portrait, PB, 216 pp, b&w with photos & map
Published: September 2011

The Book:
The arrival of European missionaries in New Zealand had an immeasurable impact on Maori society. Like Them That Dream tells the intriguing story of early interaction between Maori and missionary, leading to the many distinctive responses to the arrival of Christianity.

The book’s first two parts consider how the Christian word was spread and how Maori responded, explaining the identification they felt with the Israelites of the Old Testament. The third part relates the rise of indigenous religious movements, from the early Papahurihia through Pai Marire, Ringatu and the Parihaka Movement, and the later incarnations of the Arowhenua Movement in the South Island and what remains today’s leading Maori church, Ratana.