Yearly Archives: 2023

  • English

Seasonal fun awaits with the latest New bum books

My Bum is SO SPOOKY! and My Bum is SO CHRISTMASSY! By Dawn McMillan Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird With trick or treating and Christmas shopping just around the corner, the hero of the New Bum! books is going all seasonal! And when bestselling team Dawn McMillan and Ross Kinnaird get in on the act, fun takes over from Halloween frights and being polite to the rellies over Christmas lunch. 

2023-09-29T21:08:05+13:00September 29th, 2023|Children's books|

Kei te reo Māori inaianei te paetukutuku o Oratia

Oratia web pages now in te reo Māori I te kainamutanga o Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, e harikoa ana a Oratia Media ki te tuku i tā mātou paetukutuku i te reo Māori me te reo Ingarihi hoki. With Māori Language Week about to start, Oratia Media is pleased to make our website available in te reo Māori as well as English. 

2023-09-10T08:58:21+12:00September 10th, 2023|General, Māori|

Inspiring reluctant readers in English and te reo Māori

The Book that Wouldn't Read / Te Pukapuka ka Kore e Pānuihia by Tim Tipene Illustrated by Nicoletta Benella Translated by Kanapu Rangitauira Setting out to attract the sort of reluctant reader he used to be, author and youth counsellor Tim Tipene happened upon a neat idea: a book that takes over and effectively reads itself! In The Book that Wouldn’t Read — and the Māori edition Te Pukapuka ka Kore e Pānuihia — a boy who doesn’t like reading just has to investigate when he finds that book on the library shelf.

2023-08-31T22:07:21+12:00August 31st, 2023|Children's books, Māori|

Bilingual book brings to life the humour of te reo Māori

Te Reo Kapekape: Māori Wit and Humour by Hona Black Publishing on 1 September, a new book by scholar Hona Black lifts the curtain on all the humour, wit, innuendo and play that distinguishes everyday te reo Māori . Te Reo Kapekape (literally, ‘the language of poking fun’) will make readers cry with laughter, engage in lively banter, and perhaps blush a little.

2023-08-27T02:17:41+12:00August 27th, 2023|Māori|